Comparison of email hosting from A2 Hosting and Barracuda email

This article provides a side-by-side feature comparison between Email Hosting provided by A2 Hosting and Barracuda.

Feature comparisons

The following tables compare features between Email Hosting from A2 Hosting and Barracuda Email.

Spam, security, and deliverability features
Feature Email Hosting from A2 Hosting Barracuda Email
Inbound Spam and virus protection Yes Yes
Outbound Spam and virus protection Yes Yes
Data encryption Yes - All data at rest is encrypted using AES 256 encryption. All traffic in transit is encrypted using TLS 1.2. Yes
Spoofing prevention Yes Yes
Reputation loss and black-listing prevention Yes Yes
IP and content-based filtering Yes - Advanced spam filters automatically identify and block spammy content. Yes
Recipient filtering Yes - Users can block specific domains and email accounts. Yes
RBL and DNSBL support Yes Yes
Reverse DNS blocking Yes Yes
URL pattern and category blocking Yes Yes
TLS encryption policy Yes Yes
SPF support Yes Yes
Triple-layer virus blocking Yes Yes
Personal allow/block lists Yes - Users can create custom blocklists and block specific email accounts and domains. Yes
Guaranteed email deliverability Yes - 100% of our IP addresses s are whitelisted, ensuring guaranteed email deliverability. No
Guaranteed email uptime Yes - We offer an uptime of >99.9% ensuring your email service is never down. No
High data durability and reliability Yes - We offer 99.999999999% of data durability and 99.99% availability for stored data. No
Superior disaster recovery mechanisms Yes - We provide 3-way data replication. All data is replicated across multiple zones and regions, ensuring high recovery capabilities. No
High redundancy Yes - We maintain n+3 redundancy on each component and service across multiple datacenters. Any failure of any device, datacenter, or service does not cause downtime. No
Custom DKIM support Yes No
Usability features
Feature Email Hosting from A2 Hosting Barracuda Email
Rich webmail with integrated calendar and contacts Yes No
Dedicated mobile apps with advanced email functionality Yes No
Features to improve productivity and email response rates:
* Email templates
* Read receipts
* Follow-up reminders
* Scheduled sending
Yes No
Advanced features:
* Contact groups
* Priority inbox
* Rich signature builder
* Send emails as alias
* Dark theme
* Advanced search with extensive filter criteria
Yes No
Multi-account support with ability to add personal and professional email accounts Yes No
Catchall accounts Yes No
Internal forwarder accounts Yes No
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